



I nstitute of C hemistry C o. Ltd Henan A cademy of S ciences







  Institute of Chemistry, Henan Academy of Sciences (ICHAS), which was founded in 1958, was belonged to Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1980, it transfered to Henan Academy of Sciences. Via the property reformation according to national policies,it was transformed into Institute of Chemistry Co. Ltd Henan Academy of Sciences in 2006.

  There are more than 200 employees in ICHAS, more than 40 of them have senior titles, 4 are researcher(II), 3 are National Excellent Experts with Special Government Allowance, 3 are Provincial Excellent Experts, 6 are academic and technical leaders in henan province, ICHAS has employed 2 famous domestic chemists as part-time researchers. Researcher Yang Rui-Na and Zhao Liang have been honored “National Model Worker”, Wang Jing has been delegated to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  ICHAS has a 7,600 m2 laboratory building and a 43,000 m2pilot production base. There are six innovation platforms in ICHAS: electronic chemical engineering technology research center of Henan province, Engineering and technology research center of high performance bonding and sealing materials of Henan province, Lignin engineering technology research center of henan province, environmental functional materials international joint laboratory of henan province, electronic chemicals engineering laboratory of henan province, Academician workstation of green synthesis and efficient utilization of resources of henan province. The research fields cover polymer chemistry, organic synthesis chemistry, humic acid chemistry, fine chemistry, composite materials, new chemical materials, environmental functional materials, sewage treatment and so on. ICHAS is also the Chemistry Novelty Retrieval Unit of Henan Province and the sponsoring unit of Henan Chemistry Society.

  ICHAS paid great attention to the transformation of research achievements. It has already established five high-new technology enterprises, Zhengzhou Lvye High-New Technology Industrial Company, Zhengzhou Best Chemical Co.Ltd, Henan Deli Technology Development Company, Zhengzhou Qichuang Chemical Co.Ltd and Zhengzhou Hongyu Technology Development Co.Ltd. These companies produce agricultural humic acid chemicals, polyurethane, modified polyvinylalcohol, chloroacetic resinsand ablative materials.

  ICHAS has close cooperation with Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Lanzhou University, Zhengzhou University, and has also played an important role in postgraduate education in Henan province and has brought up numerous well-known experts and scholars in and outside China.It has built close cooperations with universities and institutes in Japan, America, Sweden, Korea, England, Germany, Canada, Australia, Belorussia and Taiwan of China on academic exchanges, collaborative researches and talent cultivations.It has also cooperated with enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai, guangdong, jiangsu, hebei and henan to carry out technological innovation, personnel training and achievement transformation, and has achieved remarkable economic and social benefits.

  Since the reform and opening of China, ICHAS has accomplished more than 500 research and cooperation projects including National and Provincial Significant High-Tech Projects, Natural science foundation, National Key Laboratory Funds and National Open Laboratory Funds, International Cooperation Projects and Innovation Foundations for Talents of Henan Province. ICHAS has published more than 4,000 research papers, accomplished more than 400 research achievements, 200 patents and more than 10 published monographs. Among these, 9 won the National Sci-Tech Progress Awards or National Invention Awards, 5 won the First Prizes of Provincial Sci-Tech Progress Awards, and more than 120 won the Second and Third Prizes of Provincial and Ministerial Awards. It has made great contributions to national economic and social development of the country and Henan province.

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